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The aims and objectives of Inner Wheel are:

To promote true friendship
Clubs meet regularly and have a full and varied programme including speakers on subjects of interest. By meeting regularly friendships are built and maintained. Each club plans interclub meetings when other clubs are invited to join in the activities and in that way their circle of friends is broadened.

To encourage the ideals of personal service
By working together as friends our clubs have an outstanding record of personal service to the community, some examples are:
staffing the tea bar at the local hospital
support at the local stroke club
helping at the local hospice
filling Rotary Aquaboxes and Shoe Boxes
running a charity shop
supporting national charities

To foster international understanding
Clubs support their own choice of overseas charities as well as their District and Association Overseas Service Chairman's chosen charity. Clubs also support the International Inner Wheel service project. Clubs correspond with their link clubs overseas and meet every three years at the International Convention.
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